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Asi Show for .....


A Great Commitment to a GREAT result .....

Do you have a project, for a hospital fundraiser, an association for people in need or whatever else it takes to achieve your charitable purpose? We at ASI SPETTACOLO ARE ALWAYS THERE, FREE AND WITH THE HEART.

Send us an email and tell us what you need and we will contact you immediately, for an appointment at our offices to fully understand how we and all our friends from Asi Spettacolo could help you !!!

Asi Spettacolo promotes, in all schools where it will be requested, a social tour on the various messages to be given to the youngest, such as the Saturday night massacres, do not drive with phones in front of your eyes, do not drink alcohol and do not use drugs. To make it better understood, it will be ensured that, in addition to the advice of professionals in the sector, the children can shoot a short film on the themes expressed above. Here too with the help of free advice and skills from Asi Spettacolo. The film will then be donated to the school, which will have the commitment to show it to students and parents on a specific date and where we at Asi Spettacolo will also be present.

Life is a gift and must be treated as such, but above all the life of others cannot be turned off due to some of our mistakes or distractions.

Below you can see a video, which our testimonial Enio Drovandi gave us made with some Tuscan boys ...

Asi Show for schools ....

Find out how to enter the world of Asi Spettacolo !!!

Asi Show for Museums and Culture

Asi Spettacolo is also culture in fact in the video below you can listen to our Testimonial Enio Drovandi who we were proud to be able to insert bringing his Narrating voice inside the Narrating Villa di Nerone Museum.

Good Vision and Good Listening.

Asi Spettacolo supports all the initiatives of:

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