Statute Asi Entertainment
ART. 1
The ASI SPETTACOLO & PERFORMER Association is established
ART. 2
The Association is based in VIA PIAVE, 8 - 00187 ROME
ART. 3
The Association aims to:
promote, disseminate, practice all forms of culture such as recreational and educational activities;
carry out any useful activity to promote and disseminate sports and entertainment disciplines, through the participation and organization of events, competitions, show competitions, tournaments, championships and through the performance of any other complementary activity aimed at increasing ethical education, supporting the arts; fashion, singing, dancing, acting, charity activities, production of short and feature films, theatrical and television shows, social, cultural and artistic entertainment events, to spread the spirit of aggregation, and especially amateur morality;
implement services and structures that act as an aid for the development of free time, such as reading room, games room,, internal bar, shops, canteens, musical entertainment, video library;
promote the use of free time through cultural tourism and recreational initiatives, also in order to contribute to the civic and social elevation of the members;
to set up summer and winter centers, in Italy and abroad, for recreational, sporting and entertainment purposes to start an international cultural training in the arts among the various ethnic groups.
manage private or municipal sports services and facilities for carrying out sporting activities or cultural and artistic, physical and intellectual entertainment;
promote and favor the organization of courses and start-up centers to sport and entertainment, without age limits;
encourage contacts between members who have specific cultural interests. also constituting sections for the activities of greater participation;
adhere in Italy and abroad to any activity that, with the express resolution of the Board of Directors, is deemed suitable for achieving the corporate purposes.
ART. 4
The Association is not for profit and will only be able to carry out commercial activities marginally and in any case always aimed at achieving the social purpose.
ART. 5
The Association undertakes to observe the Statute, the organic regulation and any other rule issued by ASI within its own sphere.
ART. 6
The Association carries out its activity according to the general directives given by the central and peripheral bodies of the ASI and the particular directives established by the Board of Directors of the Association itself.
ART. 7
Natural persons who request it without any limitation of number can be part of the Association.
The shareholders are divided into:
Honorary Members;
Executive Members;
Ordinary members;
Members Artists and performers in the arts: singing, dancing, acting, fashion and various
Honorary Members are those people to whom the Association owes particular recognition and are appointed by the Assembly of Members on the proposal of the Board of Directors.
Executive Members are those who appear to be the founders of the Association or who are subsequently elected by the Assembly of Members of the Board of Directors.
All those who share the aims of the Association are Ordinary Members.
Athletes / performers are those who carry out a cultural, moral, artistic, sporting activity within the Association; they must have passed the assessment of physical fitness required by the health regulations in force.
ART. 8
Each shareholder, by conscious acceptance, assumes the obligation to observe the Articles of Association and the social regulations and undertakes to respect with loyalty and discipline, the rules governing participation in social activities and events, not to refer to other authorities other than the social or federal for the protection of their rights and interests and for the resolution of disputes of any kind.
ART. 9
The quality of member is acquired by paying an annual fee (to be paid in several installments), the amount of which is set annually by the Board of Directors of the Association. Members will have the right to attend the social premises, to use the facilities and services managed by the Association, where they exist and always by appointment. The registration of members with a temporary relationship is not allowed.
ART. 10
Membership status is lost with the expiry of the period covered by the membership fee. The member can withdraw from the association by giving written notice to the Board of Directors. The exclusion of a member for serious reasons must be approved by the Board of Directors with an absolute majority and ratified by the Shareholders' Meeting.
The member who, for any reason, ceases to be part of the Association, loses any right on the social assets.
ART. 11
The corporate bodies are:
The shareholders' meeting
The Board of Directors
ART. 12
The Assembly of Members is the highest organ of the Association. All members who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to intervene. The Assembly is validly constituted when half plus one of the members are present on first call, on second call whatever the number of members. The Assembly, which must be convened at least once a year, decides on the final and budgetary report, on the general guidelines and directives of the association on the appointment of
members of the Governing Council and on what is delegated to it by law or by statute.
The Extraordinary Assembly is convened on the initiative of the Board of Directors when it deems it necessary, or for the examination of changes to the statute or upon written and motivated request of half plus one of the members.
Both ordinary and extraordinary Assembly is deliberated by the Board of Directors and convened by the President.
The notice of call will be published by posting on the website and on the pages registered in the social networks on iternet. at least 20 days before the fixed date and must contain an indication of the date, time of the place of performance and the order of work.
All members have the right to one vote and can be represented by another member.
Each shareholder cannot represent more than two shareholders. The resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting are valid if taken by a majority of the votes cast and must be posted in the association register for at least fifteen days. The final balance sheets and estimates must also be posted in the register of the Association for at least fifteen days.
The President of the Assembly is the President of the association who will be assisted by a secretary designated by him.
The Commission for verifying powers and scrutiny for voting is appointed by the Board of Directors.
ART. 13
The President is elected by the Governing Council and represents the Association in relations with third parties. He presides over the shareholders' meeting and the Governing Council. The President directs and manages the Association in accordance with the resolutions of the assembly and the Governing Council .
In case of extreme urgency and necessity, the President can provide on matters falling within the competence of the Board of Directors and submit the decision for ratification by the Board within 90 days.
In the event of a temporary absence, the President can delegate all or part of his duties and powers to the Vice President.
ART. 14
The Board of Directors is composed of the President, the Vice President and at least three directors. The secretary-treasurer attends the meetings without voting rights.
The Vice President is elected from among its members by the Board of Directors. The secretary-treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors directs and manages the Association, decides on the applications for admission or resignation of the members, decides on the activity to carry out and on the programs to be implemented, proceeds with the formation of the budget and final balance sheets, administers the assets and the social revenues, establishes membership fees, approves social regulations, checks legitimacy from the administrative management of the association.
The Board of Directors is convened by the President in ordinary session at least four times a year, and is validly constituted with the majority of its members. Resolutions are taken by simple majority. In the event of the resignation of the President or of the majority of the members of the Board, the President remains in office and must arrange for the calling of an extraordinary meeting within 60 days. The Board of Directors is convened by posting at the registered office at least ten days before the date set for the meeting or by registered letter to be sent ten days before. The Board of Directors must meet when half plus one of its members requests it in writing. The duties of the secretary-treasurer are established with a specific resolution by the Board of Directors.
ART. 15
All corporate offices are honorary and completely free. The reimbursement of expenses actually incurred according to Law 133/99 is foreseen for members, if approved by the Board of Directors.
ART. 16
The corporate assets consist of:
from movable and immovable property,
from any disbursements, donations and bequests made by members, by private entities,
The revenues of the Association consist of:
from the company shares,
from any revenue from commercial operations,
from any other income that contributes to the company's assets,
The shares are not refundable in any case they can be transferred and cannot be revalued.
ART. 17
The financial year ends on December 31 of each year. The Board of Directors will prepare the final and estimated budgets, as well as an economic and financial report to be submitted to the approval of the Shareholders' Meeting.
The Association undertakes not to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.
ART. 18
The following disciplinary sanctions may be adopted for members who fail to fulfill their duties towards the Sports Association and conduct in compliance with the principles of sporting loyalty and righteousness: deploration, suspension, radiation.
Disciplinary sanctions are approved by the Board of Directors.
The disciplinary sanction of the cancellation must be ratified by the shareholders' meeting.
ART. 19
Amendments to this Statute must be adopted by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting with the favorable vote of at least 2/3 of the valid votes cast at the Meeting.
ART. 20
The Association is dissolved by a valid resolution of the Extraordinary Assembly of members specially convened. In case of dissolution, the Association undertakes to devolve to another association with similar purposes or for the purposes of public utility, having heard the control body referred to in art. 3 paragraph 190 of Law 23/12/1996 and unless otherwise required by law.
ART. 21
For anything not provided for in this statute, express reference is made to the Statute of the ASI and the rules of the civil code as applicable