These are just some of the services offered to our Asi Apettacolo Associates
Test, with orientation work, initial totally free.
Insertion in the digital web database of Asi Spettacolo, which will be available to over 11,000 national clubs and over 1,500,000 associates throughout Italy, which can be consulted by their organizers in case of events involving artists or technicians. So as to provide economic and professional activity to the associates.
Access to the closed group on Facebook, where castings, singing competitions, cabaret, fashion, tips, anecdotes and weekly live broadcasts will be published.
Direct number and email of the show orientation desk where you can contact us for all your doubts, advice and information.
List of all our accredited structures, where you can have discounts and always have the satisfied or refunded formula, because you will always be protected and protected by us.
Mailing list with all the work and courses that our partners and collaborators organize, to get all the discounts that are reserved for our members.
Free annual subscription to the digital magazine Asi Spettacolo Magazine, where in turn (in specific inserts) all members will have a small dedicated space for their interview.
Access the advice and implementation of your projects and ideas through funding from European calls for culture, entertainment, cinema and social (also suggested by you) with our technical office on site that will follow you step by step until the end.
Working in projects produced by Asi Spettacolo for festivals - competitions - short films and Italian and European theatrical performances, on films and television programs for TV distribution, cinemas, streaming and platforms.
Find out how to enter the world of Asi Spettacolo !!!